Media in a post-truth world – part 2

Why do people click so frequently on false stories? How do these lies spread so rapidly? It is certainly true that facts and non-facts circulate at a speed that would have been inconceivable before the Internet and social media. Most people do not have the means, or perhaps inclination, to fact check the things that […]

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The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 51:1 – 53:12)

I first wrote this post for the E100 Bible Reading Challenge. It was first published on the E100 blog in 2011. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. - Isaiah 53:6 By the eighth century BC, Judah […]

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Isaiah 34-35 - The Joy of Salvation

My slot in a short series on Isaiah 1–39 at Above Bar Church, Southampton, UK. It's a whistlestop tour - this is the 10th in a series of 11 sermons. Isaiah 34-35 View more presentations from Tony Watkins. Related posts: The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 51:1 – 53:12) Shaped by suffering - 1 Peter 4:1–11 Understanding […]

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The Tony and Jane Watkins Trust oversees and supports the ministries of Tony and Jane Watkins in Christian training, education, and communication. It is a charity registered in England and Wales, no. 1062254.
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