Art's Desire: Responding to Film and Literature (part two)

This is the second in a series of six posts, which was first published as an article in Anvil journal, Volume 28 No 3 (November 2012), and is published here by kind permission of the editor. Two-faced human beings Adam and Eve were tempted by the freedom to make their own moral choices; they wanted […]

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Art's Desire: Responding to Film and Literature

This is the first in a series of six posts, which was first published as an article in Anvil journal, Volume 28 No 3 (November 2012), and is published here by kind permission of the editor. Reflecting or shaping? Marvin doesn't like living in a media-dominated world. He doesn't watch television, avoids the cinema, shuns […]

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Worldviews and Cultural Apologetics

These are my slides from a day of teaching on worldviews and cultural apologetics for Care's Leadership Programme. You can download the pdf from Slideshare. Related posts: Understanding teen culture Perspectives on Media Responding to Media Culture Now Using Film in Christian Communication - downloads

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Responding to Media

The final session with Southampton Deanery Chapter. SDC3. Responding to Media View more presentations from Tony Watkins. And the slides are here. Related posts: Perspectives on Media Culture Now Media Messages Matter Media are more than channels of information Art's Desire: Responding to Film and Literature

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Perspectives on Media

The second of three sessions at the Southampton Deanery Chapter study day: SDC2. Perspectives on media View more presentations from Tony Watkins. A more print-friendly version of the slides is here. Related posts: Culture Now Responding to Media Twelve questions to consider when watching the news Amazing activity in the world of social media Media […]

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Culture Now

Yesterday I led a study day on engaging with media culture for the Southampton Deanery Chapter. Here's the first session: SDC1. Culture Now View more presentations from Tony Watkins. A more print-friendly version of the slides is here. Related posts: Perspectives on Media Responding to Media Understanding teen culture Twelve questions to consider when watching […]

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Understanding teen culture

On Saturday (21 November 2009) I led two workshops at Good Book Company's 'Growing Young Disciples training day on youth and children's work. The first was on Understanding Teen Culture. Forty minutes is a very short time to do anything other than scratch a tiny part of the vast surface which is youth culture. Anyway, […]

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The Tony and Jane Watkins Trust oversees and supports the ministries of Tony and Jane Watkins in Christian training, education, and communication. It is a charity registered in England and Wales, no. 1062254.
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