Resources for churches and communities: Creation movie

Charles Darwin: eminent scientist, loving husband, grieving father. The film Creation explores the different sides to the man who some believe had ‘the biggest single idea in the history of thought’. Even today, Darwin’s legacy is at the centre of contemporary debate about our understanding of who we are and what it means to be human. This film explores the implications of Darwin’s theories, and the way that tragic events in his family life influenced his doubts about God.[...]

Charles Darwin: eminent scientist, loving husband, grieving father. The film Creation explores the different sides to the man who some believe had ‘the biggest single idea in the history of thought’. Even today, Darwin’s legacy is at the centre of contemporary debate about our understanding of who we are and what it means to be human. This film explores the implications of Darwin’s theories, and the way that tragic events in his family life influenced his doubts about God.

Starring Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connolly as Charles and Emma Darwin, Creation is based on the book Annie’s Box by Randall Keynes (Charles Darwin’s great-great-grandson). It is an emotional journey into the grief that shaped one of the great scientific minds of the last 200 years. See the official film website.

In association with Icon, Damaris are also providing the following resources to help churches, schools and community groups make the most of this movie when it is released on September 25th.

Damaris’s Creation resources will include:

  • A special episode of Pollard on Film on the theme of why should we believe anything at all? (available 4th Sept)
  • A special episode of Culturewatch TV on the real Charles Darwin (available 4th Sept)
  • Church service outline featuring footage from the film (available 28th Aug.)
  • Café-style Church meeting outline featuring footage from the film (available 4th Sept)
  • Three sets of notes for House Group meetings on different themes (first two available on 11th Sept.)
  • A Film and Focus event, with leader’s guide and full publicity material (available 11th Sept)

Posted via web from Tony Watkins

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The Tony and Jane Watkins Trust oversees and supports the ministries of Tony and Jane Watkins in Christian training, education, and communication. It is a charity registered in England and Wales, no. 1062254.
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