Finding images to use in presentations

four crayon pictures from Crestock Stock Images This is essentially a combination of parts from a couple of previous posts because people keep asking me questions about using images, image sources, and so on. It's great to use images in our communication and publicity, but they need to be used well and with integrity. Any […]

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Isaiah 34-35 - The Joy of Salvation

My slot in a short series on Isaiah 1–39 at Above Bar Church, Southampton, UK. It's a whistlestop tour - this is the 10th in a series of 11 sermons. Isaiah 34-35 View more presentations from Tony Watkins. Related posts: The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 51:1 – 53:12) Shaped by suffering - 1 Peter 4:1–11 Understanding […]

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Science, Creation and all that Jazz

This is the event at which I'm speaking on Friday evening: Related posts: CREATION tells of Darwin's war between science and love Resources for churches and communities: Creation movie Creation Creation Talking About . . . Darwin

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Evangelism in a Digital Age

The second of my two workshops at Good Book Company's 'Growing Young Disciples training day on youth and children's work. The audio may be available on the GBC website at some point. You can download the pdf by clicking on the menu button in the bottom-left corner of the Slideshare player. Evangelism in a Digital […]

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Understanding teen culture

On Saturday (21 November 2009) I led two workshops at Good Book Company's 'Growing Young Disciples training day on youth and children's work. The first was on Understanding Teen Culture. Forty minutes is a very short time to do anything other than scratch a tiny part of the vast surface which is youth culture. Anyway, […]

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GBU3. A repreensão de Jesus: não à religião sem frutos Marcos 11:1–26

via Third session on Mark at GBU national conference, Portugal (20/9/09) Posted via web from Tony Watkins Related posts: GBU2. A identidade de Jesus: desafiando pressupostos (Marcos 8:11 – 10:34) GBU1. A missão de Jesus: trazer o reino de Deus (Marcos 1:1 – 3:12) Ezekiel part 2 Ezekiel part 1 Prophets 2a - Overview […]

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GBU2. A identidade de Jesus: desafiando pressupostos (Marcos 8:11 – 10:34)

via Second session on Mark at GBU national conference, Portugal (19/9/09) <p style="font-size: 10px;"> <a href="">Posted via web</a> from <a href="">Tony Watkins</a> </p> Related posts: GBU1. A missão de Jesus: trazer o reino de Deus (Marcos 1:1 – 3:12) GBU3. A repreensão de Jesus: não à religião sem frutos Marcos 11:1–26 Ezekiel part 2 […]

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GBU1. A missão de Jesus: trazer o reino de Deus (Marcos 1:1 – 3:12)

via First session on Mark for GBU national camp in Portugal (18/9/09). Posted via web from Tony Watkins Related posts: GBU2. A identidade de Jesus: desafiando pressupostos (Marcos 8:11 – 10:34) GBU3. A repreensão de Jesus: não à religião sem frutos Marcos 11:1–26 Ezekiel part 2 Ezekiel part 1 Prophets 2a - Overview of […]

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12 best places to get free images

Mike Williams at gives a very useful roundup of his top twelve sites for sourcing free images. His focus is on images for the web, but the sites are equally useful for speakers. See my earlier post, 'Preaching with images' for other suggestions.

I thought I'd researched image libraries fairly well, but a couple of Mike Williams's suggestions are new to me. Some of his suggestions, such as Free Media Goo and Pixel Perfect Digital, are for small sites that I don't find worth my while visiting because I'm usually looking for very specific subjects, not just a nice image. I like the look of Unprofound, which is new to me, and I'm very surprised that I have no recollection of coming across OpenPhoto before. It doesn't strike me as a particularly well-designed site, but I've found enough images in various categories to persuade me to make it part of my regular hunting grounds.

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Bíblia e a Cidade

I'm off to speak on Mark's gospel at the national camp of the GBU in Portugal in September, which I'm really looking forward to. Nice publicity! Related posts: No related posts.

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Preaching with Images

A round-up of some of the more useful image libraries for sourcing material for on-screen presentations.

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More audio

I ran out of time for preparing more Da Vinci Code audio for my site. I may put up a more recent one when the DVD comes out later in the year. Meanwhile, the Above Bar Church website website now carries dowloads of Sunday sermons so there's some recent material from me there. Of particular […]

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The Da Vinci Code - more audio

I've now added the recordings of Wednesday evening's events at Above Bar Church, Southampton, which I shared with David Couchman of Focus. I talked about the appeal of The Da Vinci Code, its opposition to orthodox historical Christianity, the sacred feminine and goddess spirituality. David addressed three key claims in the book: that the Gnostic […]

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Da Vinci Code audio

I've done a number of Da Vinci Code events recently, some of which I recorded. The audio files are now available online for a limited period (as new material becomes available, older material will be kicked out). The first is from an event in London which includes some material on Leonardo and on the supposedly […]

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Nehemiah 5

An MP3 recording of my most recent sermon in Above Bar Church is now available to download from this site. It's on Nehemiah 5, which is about the people of Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile trying to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. Having faced significant opposition from neighbouring rulers, Nehemiah found himself dealing with some serious complaints […]

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Getting Da Vinci-ed out!

I'm beginning to feel like I've overdosed on Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. Hardly suprising I guess since it's been such a huge bestseller since publication and especially given the amount of over-the-top hype from Sony (which is, frankly, setting people up to be disappointed with the film - all the advertising makes people […]

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The Tony and Jane Watkins Trust oversees and supports the ministries of Tony and Jane Watkins in Christian training, education, and communication. It is a charity registered in England and Wales, no. 1062254.
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