Bible archives

7th Century Judah and Ezekiel

The third of five sessions on the OT prophets at Bible & Culture 2010. BC4. 7th century and Ezekiel View more presentations from Tony Watkins. Related posts: Ezekiel part 2 Ezekiel part 1 Understanding the prophets: Ezekiel part 2 Outline of Ezekiel Understanding the prophets: Ezekiel

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Handling the prophetic literature in the Old Testament

A handout for the second half of the second of five sessions on the prophets in the Old Testament at Bible & Culture 2010. BC2. Handling the OT prophets View more documents from Tony Watkins. Related posts: Understanding the Old Testament prophets 1 Introduction to the prophets Prophets 2a - Overview of Old Testament history […]

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Isaiah 34-35 - The Joy of Salvation

My slot in a short series on Isaiah 1–39 at Above Bar Church, Southampton, UK. It's a whistlestop tour - this is the 10th in a series of 11 sermons. Isaiah 34-35 View more presentations from Tony Watkins. Related posts: The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 51:1 – 53:12) Shaped by suffering - 1 Peter 4:1–11 Understanding […]

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Prophets 2a - Overview of Old Testament history (1050 - 722 BC)

The first half of the second of five sessions on the prophets in the Old Testament at Bible & Culture 2010. This session introduces five key questions to ask when studying the prophets, and then gives an overview of the history of Israel and Judah from the beginning of the monarchy in 1050 BC, through […]

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Outline of Old Testament history – monarchy onwards

A timeline of the Old Testament from the beginning of monarchy in Israel. A couple of the prophets' dates are very uncertain, notably Joel and Obadiah. Outline of Old Testament history - monarchy onwards View more presentations from Tony Watkins. Related posts: Old Testament history – a timeline Prophets 2a - Overview of Old Testament […]

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Old Testament history – a timeline

Outline of Old Testament history View more presentations from Tony Watkins. Related posts: Outline of Old Testament history – monarchy onwards Outline of Ezekiel Introducing the Old Testament prophets Prophets 2a - Overview of Old Testament history (1050 - 722 BC) Understanding the Old Testament prophets 1

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Introduction to the prophets

The first of five sessions on the prophets in the Old Testament at Bible & Culture 2010. This session highlights the prophets' central purpose and begins to introduce their historical context. In particular, it centres on the covenants of the Old Testament, which form an essential background for understanding the prophets' messages. BC1. Introduction to […]

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GBU3. A repreensão de Jesus: não à religião sem frutos Marcos 11:1–26

via Third session on Mark at GBU national conference, Portugal (20/9/09) Posted via web from Tony Watkins Related posts: GBU2. A identidade de Jesus: desafiando pressupostos (Marcos 8:11 – 10:34) GBU1. A missão de Jesus: trazer o reino de Deus (Marcos 1:1 – 3:12) Ezekiel part 2 Ezekiel part 1 Prophets 2a - Overview […]

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GBU2. A identidade de Jesus: desafiando pressupostos (Marcos 8:11 – 10:34)

via Second session on Mark at GBU national conference, Portugal (19/9/09) <p style="font-size: 10px;"> <a href="">Posted via web</a> from <a href="">Tony Watkins</a> </p> Related posts: GBU1. A missão de Jesus: trazer o reino de Deus (Marcos 1:1 – 3:12) GBU3. A repreensão de Jesus: não à religião sem frutos Marcos 11:1–26 Ezekiel part 2 […]

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GBU1. A missão de Jesus: trazer o reino de Deus (Marcos 1:1 – 3:12)

via First session on Mark for GBU national camp in Portugal (18/9/09). Posted via web from Tony Watkins Related posts: GBU2. A identidade de Jesus: desafiando pressupostos (Marcos 8:11 – 10:34) GBU3. A repreensão de Jesus: não à religião sem frutos Marcos 11:1–26 Ezekiel part 2 Ezekiel part 1 Prophets 2a - Overview of […]

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Resources for churches and communities: Creation movie

Charles Darwin: eminent scientist, loving husband, grieving father. The film Creation explores the different sides to the man who some believe had ‘the biggest single idea in the history of thought’. Even today, Darwin’s legacy is at the centre of contemporary debate about our understanding of who we are and what it means to be human. This film explores the implications of Darwin’s theories, and the way that tragic events in his family life influenced his doubts about God.[...]

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Understanding the Prophets: Restoration (Ezekiel part 3)

This morning's lectures were about the prophetic promises of restoration, particularly focusing on the final part of Ezekiel, from chapter 34 on. This is the fifth of five lectures given on the Bible and Culture course at Schloss Mittersill, Austria (a course run jointly by Schloss Mittersill and IFES). 5. Restoration View more presentations from […]

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Understanding the prophets: Ezekiel part 2

This morning's lectures were about the second part of Ezekiel, especially chapters 16 and 34–37. This is the third of five lectures given on the Bible and Culture course at Schloss Mittersill, Austria (a course run jointly by Schloss MIttersill and IFES).

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Understanding the prophets: Ezekiel

Getting to grips with a prophetic book, focusing on Ezekiel chapters 1-11. This is the third of five lectures given on the Bible and Culture course at Schloss Mittersill, Austria (a course run jointly by Schloss MIttersill and IFES). Ezekiel part 1 View more presentations from Tony Watkins. PDF file Related posts: Understanding the prophets: […]

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Understanding the Old Testament prophets 1

My slides from day 2 of my lectures about the Old Testament prophets on the Bible & Culture course at Schloss Mittersill. Some tools for understanding the Old Testament prophets. The focus in this lecture is on the historical context of the eighth century prophets (Amos, Hosea, Jonah, Isaiah, Micah, probably Joel and Obadiah) and […]

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Introducing the Old Testament prophets

My slides from day 1 of my lectures about the Old Testament prophets on the Bible & Culture course at Schloss Mittersill. An introduction to the Old Testament prophets, focusing on the origins of prophetism with Moses, the greatest prophet, their origins in the early history of Israel, and on the key themes in the […]

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The Tony and Jane Watkins Trust oversees and supports the ministries of Tony and Jane Watkins in Christian training, education, and communication. It is a charity registered in England and Wales, no. 1062254.
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