Finding images to use in presentations

four crayon pictures from Crestock Stock Images This is essentially a combination of parts from a couple of previous posts because people keep asking me questions about using images, image sources, and so on. It's great to use images in our communication and publicity, but they need to be used well and with integrity. Any […]

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Responding to Media

The final session with Southampton Deanery Chapter. SDC3. Responding to Media View more presentations from Tony Watkins. And the slides are here. Related posts: Perspectives on Media Culture Now Media Messages Matter Media are more than channels of information Art's Desire: Responding to Film and Literature

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Perspectives on Media

The second of three sessions at the Southampton Deanery Chapter study day: SDC2. Perspectives on media View more presentations from Tony Watkins. A more print-friendly version of the slides is here. Related posts: Culture Now Responding to Media Twelve questions to consider when watching the news Amazing activity in the world of social media Media […]

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Culture Now

Yesterday I led a study day on engaging with media culture for the Southampton Deanery Chapter. Here's the first session: SDC1. Culture Now View more presentations from Tony Watkins. A more print-friendly version of the slides is here. Related posts: Perspectives on Media Responding to Media Understanding teen culture Twelve questions to consider when watching […]

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The Tony and Jane Watkins Trust oversees and supports the ministries of Tony and Jane Watkins in Christian training, education, and communication. It is a charity registered in England and Wales, no. 1062254.
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